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Ensemble Festival 24 Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 July

Ensemble Festival 24

NoFit State Circus – BAMBOO

Zone F – Bamboo – 15:15 & 18:00

NoFit State Circus- Bamboo
This celebrated alternative circus company arrive in Docklands armed with bundles of bamboo. Arriving at an empty space they build towering sculptures, creating an improbable, delicate circus playground as live music, comedy and amazing feats of strength and agility take centre stage. NoFit State Circus celebrate what’s possible when humans and the natural world trust each other and work in harmony.

BAMBOO is a high-skills and high-stakes performance about our relationship to the environment. A partnership between NoFit State, Imagineer and Orit Azaz, and directed by Mish directed by Mish Weaver and has a self-sustaining approach to touring. This production is co-commissioned by Stockton International Riverside Festival, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, Hat Fair and Timber Festival for Without Walls.

About NoFit State
NoFit State is the UK’s leading large scale contemporary circus company. We produce Big Top and outdoor productions which tour the UK and internationally. We deliver a significant sector development programme with demonstrable impact and
reach. Through our creative community programme, we engage with and inspire people of all ages from some of the most deprived and marginalised communities in the UK. We celebrate the true creativity that lies at the heart of every community and ensure a space for every voice to be heard.

Zone F – Bamboo – 15:15 & 18:00

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